surah ad-duha explanation

Surah Duha, Chapter 93 (The Glorious Morning Light,morning hours or morning bright) Number of Verses: 11 بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ In The Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful Period of Revelation: After the first sura (al-Alaq) was received, there was a period of silence in which no further messages were revealed, which caused the Holy Prophet (upon whom be Allah's peace) to be deeply distressed and grieved. On this account he felt very anxious that perhaps he had committed some error because of which his Lord had become angry with him and had forsaken him. The pagans of Mecca taunted Muhammad. According to IbnKathir it was the wife of Abu Lahab) began to sarcastically ridicule him. She would say that Allah had abandoned Muhammad and that He was unhappy with him. Then, the verses descended on him, like refreshing rain and gave him a new strength, which ceased his enemies, taunts...