Even though Prophet Muhammad (), said, “If you knew what I know, you would laugh little and weep much,” but still he laughed at times. In actual fact, his face would light up with his smile and mercy, like the precious stone, mother-of-pearl.
The smile of our Prophet Muhammad () is a deep manifestation of love. His smile is not one in response to people’s weaknesses or the manifestations of these.
A smile can be described as a form of laughing where the teeth are only partially seen. Such was the smile of the Messenger of Allah (Allah’s peace be upon him).
Prophet Muhammad SAW was the reflection of Quran:
“O you who believe! Let not some people among you deride another people; it may be that the latter are better than the former. Nor let some women deride other women; it may be that the latter are better than the former. Nor defame one another (and provoke the same for yourselves in retaliation); nor insult one another with nicknames (that your brothers and sisters dislike). Evil is using names with vile meaning after (those so addressed have accepted) the faith (doing so is like replacing a mark of faith with a mark of transgression). Whoever (does that and then) does not turn to God in repentance (giving up doing so), those are indeed wrongdoers. (49:11)
Prophet Muhammad () had a kind and gentle nature. His beloved wife Aisha described his character as the Quran, meaning that Prophet Muhammad () lived by the teachings of the Quran.
A companion who spent more than 10 years with Prophet Muhammad () said:
“Throughout my stay with him I never heard an indecent word from his lips and never found him rude to anyone. He spoke very politely. He was kind to everyone”.
The Prophet’s () natural disposition led him to smile and laugh along with the people around him.
Prophet Muhammad () was warmhearted and friendly and occasionally, he joked with the people around him. Due to his fitrah (nature) he always acted in moderation. His gentleness is also referred to in the Holy Quran: "It was by a mercy from God that, you (O Messenger) were lenient with them. Had you been harsh and hard-hearted, they would surely have scattered away from about you."(Al-i Imran, 3/159).
Smile, not laugh loudly:
Prophet Muhammad () never laughed so much that his molars or palate became visible. In this regard, Aisha (upon whom be Allah’s pleasure) says that:
“I never saw the Prophet laughing to an extent that one could see his palate, but he always used to smile only.” (Bukharī, Kitāb al-Adab, 68; Muslim, Istisqā, 16)
When one of Prophet Muhammad’s () companions was asked if he sat with the Prophet he replied:
“Yes, very often. He (the Prophet () used to sit at the place where he observed the morning or dawn prayer till the sun rose or when it had risen; he would stand, and they (his Companions) would talk about matters (pertaining to the days) of ignorance, and they would laugh (on these matters) while (the Prophet) only smiled.” (Muslim, 1413)
Shining smile reveals your inner soul:
According to many narrations of the Companions, the Prophet () had the best character and was the most courteous of the people. He was always smiling and his face was always shining with the light of his smile.
Faces are the messengers of inner worlds of souls to the eyes. This is why a shining smile is so beautiful – it is but a reflection of a beautiful inner world or soul.
Although Prophet Muhammad () laughed and joked with his family and companions even giving them friendly nicknames he always behaved sensibly with fine moral principles. He never joked in a way that hurt someone’s feelings or joked about things that were not true.  In fact he was heard to say:
“Woe to the one who speaks and lies in order to make people laugh; woe to him, woe to him.”(At-Tirmidhi, 2315)
Smiling was the Prophet's Motto
The prophet Muhammad () released his followers from all heart diseases, psychological crises and life pressures that demolish human life to reach happiness and inner peace. So he made the smile his slogan in sorrows and happiness and was never seen but smiling. His smile cured the sadness of all people around him and healed the pains of his companions
It is a general observation that most people when they develop an inclination towards religion lose their sense of humor and become stern faced and thus an unpleasant company.
Abdullah b. Hārith said that:
“I have not seen anybody smiling more than the Prophet ().” (Tirmidhī, Manāqib, 144)
Smile is a charity:
The Prophet Muhammad () also encouraged the Muslims to keep a fresh and pleasant appearance, as such expressions can play a vital role in the interpersonal relations between individuals. Tirmidi reports:
Jabir (ra) narrates: I heard the Prophet Muhammad () said: Every good thing is a charity; and one of the good things is to meet your brother with a fresh smiling face. (Kitaab al-Birr wa al-Silah)
 “Don’t consider anything insignificant out of good things even if it is that you meet your brother with a cheerful countenance.” (Muslim, Kitāb al-Birr, 144)
Abdullah ibn Harith (may Allah be pleased with him) said:
“I never came across a person who smiled as much as Prophet Muhammad (). Prophet Muhammad () regarded smiling to a brother as an act of charity.” (At-Tirmidhi, 3641)
 “Every act of kindness is charity. Part of kindness is that you offer your brother a cheerful face and you pour some of your bucket into his water vessel.” (Tirmidhī, Kitāb al-Birr, 45/1970; Aḥmad b. Ḥanbal, III, 344; Bukharī, al-Adab al-Mufrad, no: 304)
When the Prophet Muhammad () could not find anything to give to the poor, he used to turn his face away feeling embarrassed. Then the following verse was revealed:
“And if you turn away from them to seek mercy from your Lord, which you hope for, speak to them a gentle word.” (17; 28)
Smile to win over heart:
After the revelation of this Divine command, whenever the Prophet Muhammad () could not find anything to give, he started to smile and talk nicely to the poor in order to win their hearts.
How nicely Jalal al-Dīn Rumī (Allah sanctify his soul) explains this in the following lines:
“If you would buy a pomegranate, buy (it when it is) laughing (having its rind cleft open), so that its laughter (openness) may give information as to its seeds. Oh, blessed is its laughter, for through its mouth it shows the heart, like a pearl from the chest of the spirit… The laughing pomegranate makes the garden laugh (bloom): companionship with (holy) men makes you one of the (holy) men. Though you be rock or marble, you will become a jewel when you reach the man of heart (the saint).”
The Messenger of Allah (Allah’s peace be upon him) passed by people slowly and smiling. He listened carefully to his companions in order to make them happy. He smiled with them showing only some of his blessed teeth. And his companions followed his customs and imitated his manners.
Narrated by Jarīr b. Abdullāh (upon whom be Allah’s pleasure):
“The Prophet () did not screen himself from me (had never prevented me from entering upon him) since I embraced Islam, and whenever he saw me, he would receive me with a smile.” (Bukharī, Kitāb al-Adab, 68)
“The Messenger of ALLAH () never refused me permission to see him since I embraced Islam and never looked at me except with a smile (on his face).”(Muslim, 6050)
Therefore, smiling, greeting and talking nicely should not be belittled. These are some of the social acts of worship of every believing soul and smiling is a consistent and emphasized tradition (sunnah) of the Prophet (Allah’s peace be upon him).
Sense of humor:
When Prophet Muhammad () makes jokes and pleasantries, he always behaved moderately like he did in every aspect of his life. For example, as related by Abu Hurairah, when some of his companions said to Prophet Muhammad (): “O Messenger of Allah, you joke with us?” He replied: “Yes, I do. But I only tell the truth.” This case reveals that the most important thing about a joke is that it should tell the truth and not be offensive.
Making Fun of People just for the sake of Laugh is disliked by Prophet Muhammad SAW.
Holy Prophet Muhammed () said,
“Woe to the one who speaks and lies in order to make people laugh; woe to him, woe to him”. (At-Tirmidhi)
Balanced life:
Such a general attitude befits a person whose greatest concern is to save himself and his people from the fires of Hell. Such a person cannot have an epicurean attitude towards life. A person for whom the life of this world is his only chance for everlasting success, cannot take it lightly. Nevertheless, the Prophet  () taught us that the secret of this success is to maintain a balance in our general attitudes. If this life is not to be taken lightly, it is neither to adversely effect the social relations of an individual. It is for this reason that we find a number of instances (mostly reported in the books on Seerah) where the Prophet Muhammad () is also sometimes found playing harmless jokes with his companions, yet there is not a single instance where the Prophet Muhammad () is reported to ridicule, deride or mock any individual or group.


Smile when he saw Hazrat Aisha horse with wings:
His wife Aisha relates that when Prophet Muhammad () returned from the expedition to Tabuk or Khaybar the wind raised the curtain at the door’s entrance, revealing some dolls which belonged to her. He asked her what this was and she replied that they were her dolls. Among them he saw a horse with wings made of rags and asked what that was that he saw among them. She told him that it was a horse, and when he asked what it was that it had on it and she replied that it had wings, he said, “A horse with wings?” She replied, “Have you not heard that Solomon had horses with wings?” She said that he smiled until his molars could be seen.
Happy is the woman who was able to make him smile while he continued to struggle in carrying his mission despite the thousand and one trials and tribulations, confronting difficulties no one before him had faced.
Smile at Abu Hurayra hunger state:
Let us examine another example. Abu Hurayra narrates:
(This takes place in Mecca, during the early days of extreme oppression).
“I swear by ALLAH Almighty apart from Whom there are no gods, that sometimes due to hunger I would press my stomach against the ground or press a rock against it. One day I sat on the road which they [the congregation] passed from while exiting the mosque. The Prophet Muhammad () stopped by me and smiled upon seeing me. He had understood the signs of hunger written on my face and the state of weakness that I was in.”
He said to me, “Aba Hirrah! Follow me.”
He entered a house and, with permission, found a cup of milk. When he asked those there from where that cup of milk came, he received the answer that a woman had given it to him as a gift. He then said to him, “Go and call Ahl al-Suffa for me.”
The Suffa Companions (Companions were comprised of mostly single young men provided with shelter and food in the Prophet's Mosque in Madina) are the guests of Islam. They have no families, possessions or people they can lean on and Abu Hurayra explains that this is why Muhammad () extended a gift that was meant for him to them.
In short, those who came drank from that cup of milk until they were fully satiated and Abu Hurayra, who was initially worried that nothing would be left for him, drank from the cup as well, followed by Prophet Muhammad ().The situation in which Abu Hurayra found himself was also the same situation which the Prophet Muhammad () endured with patience. But Prophet Muhammad () smiled because Abu Hurayra’s state, as if awaiting a helping hand from people and presenting to them his state of despair, was heart wrenching for him and caused him great pain. Or else it has nothing do with Bergson’s claim that the heart must stop for awhile in order for humor to show its full effect. On the contrary, the heart is in this case, in full effect, with the smile exhibited by the ALLAH’s Messenger.
Smile at Bedouin who hold his collar:
In another narration from Anas ibn Malik:
I was walking with Prophet Muhammad (). He was wearing a robe with thick trims, made of a material of the Saudi Arabian province of Najran. At this time a Bedouin came to him, grabbing him by the collar with force and pulling the Prophet to him. I looked at the neck of the Prophet Muhammad(), upon him be peace, and his robe had left a mark on it. (On narration of Muslim, the narration goes as follows: “He pulled ALLAH’s Messenger to himself so strongly that the prophet Muhammad () turned towards the chest of the Bedouin.” And again in another narration, “He pulled him so hard that his robe tore. And the seam lines left a mark on the neck of the ALLAH’s Messenger.”)
The events unfolded as follows: The Bedouin said, “O Muhammad! Give me my due!!” The ProphetMuhammad () looked at him and smiled, asking that something be given to him. Anas attempted to narrate this bizarre event.
In consideration of the calming demeanor and curative attitude coming from the Prophet’s smile in a situation where one could not but get angry, one becomes acutely aware of the formidable maturity that the Prophet () possessed.
No one poor than me in medina:
Abu Hurayra reports:
“While we were sitting with Prophet Muhammad () a man came and said, “O Prophet Muhammad()! I have been ruined!” The Prophet asked him what was wrong. He replied, “I have broke my fast (intentionally).” The Prophet asked him: “Can you find a slave to free?” He replied in the negative. The Prophet asked him, “Can you fast for two consecutive months?” He replied in the negative. The Prophet asked him, “Can you feed 60 needy people?” He replied in the negative. The Prophet kept silent and while we were in that state, a big basket of dates was brought to the Prophet. He asked, “Where is the person who asked the question?”  He replied, “I (am here).” The Prophet said (to him), “Take this and give it in charity.” The man said, “Should I give them to a person poorer than me, oh Prophet Muhammad? I swear by God that there is no family between its (i.e. Madina’s) two mountains who is poorer than mine.” The Prophet smiled until his molars could be seen and then said, “Feed your family with it.” (Sunan Abi Dawud p.332 v.1)
Now look at this man who has committed a sin whose atonement is quite weighty. Look at how uniquely the Prophet Muhammad () responds, smiling at him and furthermore, giving him a gift basket. This is the kind treatment towards people by someone who is very cognizant of the state that everyone is in.
Smile at Hazrat Ans (RA) while he was busy in playing:
One of the companions of Prophet Muhammad () talks about his relationship with the Prophet () when he (the companion) was a young boy. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) said:
“The Messenger of ALLAH () was one of the best men in character. One day he sent me to do something, and I said: I swear by ALLAH that I will not go. But in my heart I felt that I should go to do what the Messenger of ALLAH () had commanded me; so I went out and came upon boys playing in the street. All of a sudden the Messenger of ALLAH (), who had come from behind, caught me by the back of the neck, and when I looked at him he was laughing.”(Abu Dawud, 4755)
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)’s Jokes and Plays with Children:
The children the Prophet Muhammad () joked most with were obviously his grandchildren, Hasan and Hussein. He would hold their hands, place them on his feet and then lift them to his bosom, hug and kiss them. Sometimes he would even carry them on his shoulders.
One day, while Prophet Muhammad () was going to a gathering with his companions, he ran into Hussein who was playing on the street. He stopped in front of him, opened his arms and called him. But Hussein did not want to come and he ran away playfully. Then the Prophet ran after Hussein laughing and caught him. Then he kissed and petted him and gave him his blessings.
In another narration by Jabir, the Prophet Muhammad () was pretending to be a camel, and his grandsons were riding on his back. He was walking on his hands and feet and made a compliment to them:
“How wonderful is your camel and how wonderful riders you are!”
Anas b. Malik was a companion who had served the Prophet Muhammad () from the age of ten. The Prophet Muhammad () sometimes joked with him by saying: Ya Za’l-uzunayn (O you with two ears).”  Then he would pull Malik’s locks lightly and pet him.

Jokes with His Wives

In a narration from Aisha, she narrates: Once the Prophet Muhammad () and I were on a journey. I was thin back then and I was not fat. The Prophet Muhammad () told the people around him:
“You go ahead.” When we were left behind far enough, he told me:
“Let’s race!”
We raced and I outstripped him. He did not mention it again until I put on some weight. Meanwhile I completely forgot about this incident. During another journey, he told the people around him to go ahead. When they went far away, he () said to me, “Let’s race!” This time he outstripped me and started to laugh saying “we are even now.”
Old Lady Won’t Go to Jannah:
As related by Hasan, an old lady from the Ansar (residents of Medina) came to the Prophet Muhammad () and told him:
“Please make a dua (supplication) for me that I go to heaven.”
The Prophet Muhammad () replied: “Did you not hear it? Old women cannot go to heaven.”
The old lady became upset upon this. Then the Prophet Muhammad () said smiling: “Have you not read the verse: "We have produced the women of Paradise in a [new] creation and made them virgins, devoted [to their husbands] and of equal age” (Al-Vaqiah, 56/35-37). Then he explained to the old lady in a pleasant manner that old women would go to heaven as young girls, and he cheered her up.

White spot in the eye:
Once Prophet Muhammad () told a lady that her husband has a white spot in his eyes. The woman sadly came to her husband and related what the Prophet Muhammad () had said. Her husband told her that the Prophet Muhammad () had joked with her and that he actually meant that everyone has a white spot in their eyes (En-Nuveyri, IV, 3; Ibn Kuteybe, 439; Krs. Koten, IV,466).

Ride on a baby camel:
As related by Anas b. Malik: Once a man came to the Prophet Muhammad () and wanted to give him a ride on his camel. The Prophet Muhammad () replied: “We should give you a ride on a baby camel then.”
“O Messenger of Allah, how can I ride on a baby camel?”
The Prophet replied:
Are not all camels the babies of a mother camel?” (Abu Dawud, Adab, 92; Tirmizi, Birr, 57)

O Anjasha, ride slowly :
As narrated by Anas b. Malik: A companion named Anjasha was leading the camels that were carrying the Prophet’s wives on the way back from the farewell pilgrimage. He was making the camels run with rhythmic songs he sang with his beautiful voice. The Prophet told him:
“O Anjasha, ride slowly, do not break the crystals” (Darimi, Istizan, 65).
Here the Prophet Muhammad() used a very delicate and gentle term for women. He stressed that his wives are pure and precious like crystal, and at the same time they are very delicate; they can easily be broken.
Al-Nuayman ibn Amr buy food for prophet Muhammad:
Nuayman was one of the most humorous companions and he loved the Prophet Muhammad () dearly. Whenever a fine item came to Medina, he would buy it and then give it to the Prophet as a present. One day he saw that some fine quality honey had arrived Medina. He bought some and brought it to the Prophet Muhammad (). However he had not paid the salesman. He brought the salesman to the Prophet and told him to take the money from the Prophet Muhammad(). The Prophet asked:
“I thought you brought the honey as a present?”
Nuayman replied: “O Messenger of Allah!  I wanted you to taste this fine honey so much, but since I didn't have any money, I did it this way.”
The Prophet() laughed and paid the salesman (I. Abdilberr , el-Istiab, IV, 473)
Olive seeds:
He () was having breakfast with Hazrat Ali (may Allah be pleased with him). Hazrat Muhammad () was smiling. He put the seeds of the olives he ate in front of Hazrat Ali. Then, he showed Ali the seeds of the olives in front of him and said,
"O Ali! Did you eat so many olives?"
Hazrat Ali answered him seriously,
"Yes, O Messenger of Allah! However, you ate the olives together with their seeds. There are no seeds in front of you." [BekirSağlam, Model İnsan, p.75 (152); AfzalurRahman, SiretAnsiklopedisi, I/83.]
An-Nuayman sold Suwaybit ibn Harmalah :
Once Abu Bakr and some companions went on a trading expedition to Busra. Various people on the trip were given fixed duties. Suwaybit ibn Harmalah was made responsible for food and provisions. An-Nuayman was one of the group and on the way he became hungry and asked Suwaybit for some food. Suwaybit refused and an-Nuayman said to him:
"Do you know what I would yet do with you?" and went on to warn and threaten him but still Suwaybit refused. An-Nuayman then went to a group of Arabs in the suq and said to them: "Would you like to have a strong and sturdy slave whom I can sell to you." They said yes and an-Nuayman went on: "He has got a ready tongue and is very articulate. He would resist you and say: 'I am free.' But don't listen to him"
The men paid the price of the slave - ten qala'is (pieces of gold) and an-Nuayman accepted it and appeared to complete the transaction with business-like efficiency. The buyers accompanied him to fetch theft purchase. Pointing to Suwaybit, he said: "This is the slave whom I sold to you."
The men took hold of Suwaybit and he shouted for dear life and freedom. "I am free man. I am Suwaybit ibn Harmalah..."
 They said, "He has already told us all about you," and put a rope around his neck and led him awayas they would have done with any slave.
All the while, an-Nuayman did not laugh or batter an eyelid. He remained completely calm and serious while Suwaybit continued to protest bitterly. Suwaybit's fellow travellers, realizing what was happening, rushed to fetch Abu Bakr, the leader of the caravan, who came running as fast as he could. He explained to the purchasers what had happened and so they released Suwaybit and had their money returned. Abu Bakr then laughed heartily and so did Suwaybit and an-Nuayman. Back in Madinah, when the episode was recounted to the Prophet () and his companions, they all laughed even more.[Ahmad, Abu Dawud , at-Tayalsi, Al-Isabah, vol. II, p. 98, Al-Istiab, vol. II, p. 126 and vol. III, p. 576]

The whole of you:

Awf ibn Malik Ashjai radiallahu 'anhu said that at the time of the battle of Tabuk he went to see the Prophet (). At that time the Prophet was sitting in a small round shaped tent of leather. Awf saluted the Prophet and he returned the salutation. He further asked him to come into the tent. At this Awf said, "Should I come in, the whole of me?" The Prophet () said, "Yes, come in the whole of you." Then he entered the tent. [Abu Dawud, Al-Bidayah vol. VI, p. 46]


[Walid ibn 'Uthman ibn Abu'l-Aliyah rahimahullah says that Awf had said this because of the smallness of the tent

The slaughter camel:

A Bedouin came to the Prophet (). He entered the mosque and left his camel in the courtyard. Some of his Companions said to Nu'ayman ibn 'Amr al-Ansari, who was known as al-Nu'ayman: "If you slaughter it, we will eat it, because we want to have some meat, and the Messenger of Allah will pay for it." So al-Nu'ayman slaughtered it. Then the Bedouin came out and saw his saddle, so he shouted, "They have slaughtered my camel, O Muhammad!" The Prophet () came out and asked: "Who did this?" They said, "Al-Nu'ayman." So he went looking for him, and found him at the home of Duba'ah bint al-Zubayr ibn 'Abdul Muttalib (radhiallahu `anha), where he had hidden in a ditch and covered himself with palm branches and leaves. A man pointed to where he was and said, loudly, "I have not seen him, O Messenger of Allah." The Prophet () brought him out of the ditch, and his face was dirty from where the leaves had fallen on him. The Prophet () asked him, "Why did you do that?" Al-Nu'ayman said: "The ones who told you where I was, O Messenger of Allah, are the same ones who told me to do it." The Prophet () began wiping his face and laughing, then he paid the price of the slaughtered camel. [See Hayat As Sahabah, 3/154, 155][Al-Istiab, vol. III, p. 575 and Al-Isabah vol. III, p. 570]


His last smile

On narration of Anas ibn Malik: Abu Bakr led a funeral prayer during the illness of the God’s Messenger(), which lead to his eventual demise. On Monday, while the congregation lined up for prayer, the Prophet () opened the curtains of his room and watched those praying and, despite his weakness, smiled at the sight. Anas notes that they were delighted and very surprised by the sight of the Prophet during the prayer. Abu Bakr tried to take a step back, thinking that the Prophet () was there to lead the prayer, but the Messenger of God () gestured with his hands, for them to continue their act of worship. And then with a pleased expression, he went to the room of Aisha and drew the curtains. He left this earth that very day. He bid farewell to his friends with a smile. I think that that smile places upon the congregation at the time and those present today, as a deeply etched memory, an infinite responsibility. The great worth and value of this smile is such that we must deeply reflect on its meaning and act in accordance. We must be that congregation, that community, which is pleasing to the Prophet(). Every Muslim must etch this memory into their heart and secretly grasp it.
The Prophet () conquered innumerable hearts with his smiling countenance, gentle temperament and patient disposition. Contemplating upon his smile and achieving such a balance requires delicate effort.
God addressed the Prophet() as follows: “Had you been harsh and hard-hearted, they would surely have scattered away from about you.” (3:159).
The Positive Effects of Smiling
Consequently, if Prophet Muhammad () smiled, it must innately be something good for both ourselves and the people around us. Islam was designed by the Creator to be the perfect way of life for humankind thus sometimes the smallest of things can have a big impact. A smile is one of those things. Therefore not surprisingly smiling has many positive effects.
·     The believers laughter should be only a smile.
Smiling is viewed across cultures as a sign of friendliness and it is a natural response that shares our happiness with others.
Smiling lowers the heart rate and temporarily reduces blood pressure.
It reduces stress by releasing endorphins that naturally diminish stress hormones simultaneously putting you in a better mood. Endorphins also lessen pain.
Smiling and laughter therefore are useful aids in health care. Still in the area of health, smiling boosts the immune system by relaxing the body and allowing the immune system to react more quickly and effectively to invaders.
Smiling has also been shown to increase productivity. It also makes us look younger and according to at least one study smiling aids longevity possibly extending our lives up to seven years.
All this and smiling is contagious, therefore as you are gaining all these benefits you are spreading them around to all those who see you smiling and smile back.
·       The smile of joy and happiness are significant to the impact towards social community and networking. This act will dismiss the grudges and differences and perhaps strengthen the social interaction and developing the cooperation between community regarding the teamwork
·     Avoid incorrect jokes and humors, as it is the cause of enmity and grudge , it causes rancor and drives into malice. Joking is the lesser revilement
·     Imam Jafar as Sadiq (as) said, Do not make fun of people since it will ruin one's honor and dignity
Smile – it is worth more than you know.


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