THE LOST NATURE part-5 QURAN AND NATURE Quran is an eltimate green-guide.There are about 700 verses in quran that exhort believers to reflect on nature.Since Allah is the creator of everythimg.So, quran doesn't just link belief in one Allah it is also about to being niece to plants and animals and take care of earth.The quran glorifies nature and wildlife as an earthly heaven a mirror to th elush forest of paradise. In Arabic the word of earthling is Khalifa is use.This is magnificent word with multiple meanings like deputy, guardian, friend of earth and viceroy, although it all boils down to stewardship.Human being are the most intelligent being on the earth so it makes sense that we have responsibility to care for our planet. And it is He who has made you successors upon the earth and has raised some of you above others in degrees [of rank] that He may try you through...