learn lesson from nature
Live in the present
If and when we do wake up early enough in the morning, we are unlikely to miss out the sweet chirping of the Birds which is music to our ears. It is as if Birds have woken up to welcome and"celebrate" another day in their lives. Their chirping seems to communicate a certain harmony with Nature and convey an "all is well" feeling with the world around. How diligently do they get on with their tasks - whether its building their nests laboriously, bringing food for their young ones or just flying with a sense of joy and freedom.
Often their nests would have got destroyed but does that make them angry or do they play the blame game or generate in themselves a feeling of despair ? No way. With a sense of detachment they go about the task of reconstructing their nests and move on. They remain focused on whatever they are doing in the moment without getting caught in a state of regret about the past or worry about the future.
- As to what happens to us in life,we may have little or no control. But where we do have control is how we choose to deal with the situation and respond to it. Live Life in the present - the here and now to live it to the fullest.Drop your judgements and attachments to the details of your long term plans.Be available to what comes your way.And dont worry if you stumble or fall.Just pick yourself up and carry on with a smile.
This too shall pass
Human race has here and again loved
conditionally where caste, religion, color, money and gender had all been the
conditions. Whereas when it comes to nature, it has loved everyone and
everything. A tree doesn’t discriminates while giving fruits, rainfall is
received by rich as well as poor while the sky shelters Hindus, Jews, Muslims,
Christians and all other religions then why is it that humans have so many
differences? Thus the best teaching that we can inculcate in us from nature is
equality and loving unconditionally
Nature a silent teacher
It is man’s first teacher. Nature teaches us so many simple, yet invaluable lessons of life, which would improve the quality of human life. Everyday, we can learn something from it. The lessons it teaches are unfathomable and never-ending. Nature is an abode of learning and a treasure trove of wisdom. All great philosophers in the world have been students of Mother Nature. It does not take a very wise man to learn from nature. All it takes is some amount of time and observation. And believe me, you will not regret it!
“Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.” ~ Lao Tzu
Carr’s wise suggestion, “If you struggle with mastering patience, acceptance or any lesson, look to nature as your teacher. Kris said “Ask how the stars do it? How does the ocean do it? How do the birds do it?” Therein you will find an illustration and answer of how you should handle your issue.
· And this our life,exempt from public haunt, find tongue in trees, in the running brooks,shakes sermons in stones and good in everything.(William Shakespear)
While sitting under a tree and observing how everything was dependent upon everything else he was enlightened. Fruit came from flower, flower from branches, branches and leaves grow from the trunk, the trunk from the soil, the soil is nourished by the rain, the rain is held by the clouds, clouds are formed out of the sea, the sea receives the waters of the rivers and is held by the earth, the sea nourishes the earth and earth the sea and so it goes on.
· Adopt the pace of nature, her secret is patient.learn lesson from nature
The happiest man
is he who learns from nature the lesson of worship because there is a very
close relation between nature and heaven.Once you step in the field
of"Love of Nature" you can relise it the bending branches of trees
like they are in sujood.The chirping bird like they are praying.The dew drops
on grass and plants like all of them do wudu.The beez taking nector from flower
and buzz in their language like they are saying"Thanku Allah" for
these lovely flower and food.The ants picking their food, walking in a row.All
are doing their job properly that are assign to them.Noone is disobeying his
creator.The greatest Allah.birds are not eating leaves because leaves are just
for animals. Sun is not coming at night because night is made for moon to shine
in darkness.
There are many other lessons which are
teaching by our silent Mother Nature, which are mentioned as following:
1. Trees
As seasons change, we are guided to learn acceptance and non-resistance. A
green leaf doesn’t resist turning red when autumn approaches. Trees don’t
resist leaves falling when winter arrives.
They stand deeply rooted in the
ground, with their vulnerability out in the open and branches spread wide,
surrendering to the Universe. Do what you will with me, I trust it is for my
highest good.
To be self-offering
and uninhibited
In your own life, the quality of
self-offering is most important. When you look at a mature tree, it stands
straight and erect, with its countless leaves providing shelter for anyone who
pauses beneath its branches – whether the homeless beggar or children playing.
Then when the divine timing is right and the tree becomes laden with fruit, the
branches bend down to offer this fruit to all. A tree embodies the quality of
self-offering. It provides homes and
shelter for animals, birds and insects, as well as offering shade and fruit to
us humans.
Nature is a very selfless, benevolent giver.
Nature is very generous and abundant. There is absolutely no dearth of
anything. What we can learn from this is, giving and offering are great
qualities! We can always offer to help someone. It spreads happiness and
To be self-giving in your own life and
to offer things, services, smiles to others unconditionally will make you
happy. And in this circle every single person include without discriminating
them on basis of their age, gender, country, culture, color of skin or
religion. Your purpose is to Serve humanity, with the ability or power you have
help others.
The leaves of the tree fall on the
ground, decompose and become the nutrient to the tree and to the soil.
Abundance all around.
Nature knows no
scarcity, because it knows no waste.
To keep growing from
From the time the seed is sown, it
does not stop growing till it reaches its zenith! It reaches out to the sky,
with its spirit soaring. Nothing deters it. It grows everyday, little by
little, steadily. Nature achieves everything she wants, at her pace. This is
how we should approach our aims in life. With steadiness and poise. And we
should never stop growing! Positive growth should always be there. Nothing
should hamper our motivation to grow and develop.
doesn’t matter if you are slow, always remember slow and steady wins
the race. Though this is an era of fast every one is running with the latest
technology, and the greed of winning but some people like me do exist who are
like seed, The seed that does not become a tree overnight but, it will become a
tree none-the-less. It simply needs nurture, patience and daily growth. There
is no rush and you cannot make it grow any faster than it takes.
My nature requires time to grow, to flourish, to reach its
potential. The seed is already planted within me and it contains the building
blocks that are needed, but I cannot force it to grow in line with my
impatience. I must give it time.
If and when we do wake up early enough in the morning, we are unlikely to miss out the sweet chirping of the Birds which is music to our ears. It is as if Birds have woken up to welcome and"celebrate" another day in their lives. Their chirping seems to communicate a certain harmony with Nature and convey an "all is well" feeling with the world around. How diligently do they get on with their tasks - whether its building their nests laboriously, bringing food for their young ones or just flying with a sense of joy and freedom.
Often their nests would have got destroyed but does that make them angry or do they play the blame game or generate in themselves a feeling of despair ? No way. With a sense of detachment they go about the task of reconstructing their nests and move on. They remain focused on whatever they are doing in the moment without getting caught in a state of regret about the past or worry about the future.
- As to what happens to us in life,we may have little or no control. But where we do have control is how we choose to deal with the situation and respond to it. Live Life in the present - the here and now to live it to the fullest.Drop your judgements and attachments to the details of your long term plans.Be available to what comes your way.And dont worry if you stumble or fall.Just pick yourself up and carry on with a smile.
Flocks of Birds
I’ve never seen two birds run into
each other when they are flying in a flock. Why is that if they never talk to
each other? True communication doesn’t always need words. Body language,
sensing others` energy and tone can say much more than the actual words we
speak. At all times we are communicating through our thoughts and the energy we
dispel. Be mindful of your thoughts as the energy
behind them affect others and the world.
Dream high, fly high
Birds soaring through the sky
represents the limitless freedom and potential available to us if we release
our fears. Taking off to fly for the first time can be scary and bring about
feelings of fear. Without taking the risk of the first flight, we won’t find
the internal freedom we desire. We must dare to take our feet off the ground,
spread our wings and soar. But if you haven’t try it you would never able to
know what you are capable to do, because in this world the miracles are shown
by those who seems impossible to do anything. (example of drop out college students,
ugly people of the world, paralyzed people etc)
4. Even small things are important! From Ants and
We all should have one goal to make
this planet as the happiest and peaceful, where individually taking step with
their own abilities. We all should work hand to hand, forget about competition
or the fever of inferiority. Embrace your special responsibility, share it
proudly with the world, and always do your best.
Who said that the bamboo is more
beautiful than the maple tree and maple tree is more valuable than the bamboo
because it gives out maple syrup? Does the bamboo feel jealous of the maple
tree because it is bigger and its leaves change color? The idea of trees
comparing themselves to others is ridiculous as should humans comparing
themselves to one another. We must compare our growth to who we were yesterday
not to the growth of another. Everyone is
incomparably unique. Don’t compare yourself with others.
Never let go of your root and you
will never fall
With time, a sapling grows
into full-grown tree, something that was so tiny and delicate develops into a
strong tree capable of supporting others. No matter how tall it grows, how much
it may flourish, or how many animals and birds it may support, its roots are
firmly buried from where it once rose. We should learn to keep ourselves
grounded, respect and embrace our origins, and hopefully, give something back
to those humble beginnings that nurtured us into who we are.
Darkness is necessary to
appreciate the light. We need to experience the opposite of
what we want so we can appreciate and experience the thing we desire.
No matter what storms are passing,
know it is always transient because beyond the clouds, the sky is always blue
and the sun is always shining.
Water is required to cleanse
negativity in the world and allow a space of clarity. It is through showering
and soaking in a tub, that we clear our bodies from the stagnant, negative
energy of yesterday and replenish our positive energy. Shower with the intent
of cleansing your body, spirit and mind.
The sky is the backdrop of our mind.
The clouds with different formations, speeds and heights represent the
frequency, types and speed of our thoughts. As clouds, our thoughts too shall
pass. Glide through your thoughts like birds glides through clouds. Don’t
resist the clouds, fly through them.
Stars bring beauty and light in the
darkness. Instead of succumbing to the darkness of the world, be one of the
radiant stars that shines their bright inner light. As we inspire others to be
stars, we can light up the night sky with our intentional beams of star light.
Sparkle some one life with the brightness of your smile and show them right
Not all things that exist can be seen
or heard. Some things need to be felt. Don’t be limited to your 5 senses. Use
your intuition and develop the practice of believing in the things you feel.
The breathtaking colors of a sunrise
and sunset show us that colors vibrate energy and have the power to elicit
certain emotions and feelings. Be mindful about the colors you surround
yourself with.
The beautifully rising sun tell us to
start a new day, forget about past and move forward. Whereas amazingly color
creative on sky when sun is setting teaches us to be relax, all busy day should
left behind and rest.
of loved one’s fromMoon and stars
Every time a full moon graces the sky with its presence again, we
understand the importance of all our loved ones who at some point or the other
might have gone away just to come back like the moon comes. The decreasing moon
often might feel depressing yet it teaches us to accept
the fate and come back anew. A night sky without stars looks
curtailed while without a moon is unfinished. But when both of them accompany
each other, the view certainly says too many things. You realize that however
important you might be, you need someone
or the other to complete you.
When we talk about nature, one cannot forget the gushing rivers which teaches us how face any difficulty. Rivers constantly keep heading towards the sea for its awaited unison. Well aware of the fact that it has a protracted way ahead and the path is intricate, it continues to flow. Human nature has always been evident of choosing the path which has lesser obstacles and has lesser efforts. If we are to take a few lessons from playful rivers then always, the best lesson would be face every difficulty with equal energy and flow with whatever the outcome is towards the main goal of life.
When we talk about nature, one cannot forget the gushing rivers which teaches us how face any difficulty. Rivers constantly keep heading towards the sea for its awaited unison. Well aware of the fact that it has a protracted way ahead and the path is intricate, it continues to flow. Human nature has always been evident of choosing the path which has lesser obstacles and has lesser efforts. If we are to take a few lessons from playful rivers then always, the best lesson would be face every difficulty with equal energy and flow with whatever the outcome is towards the main goal of life.
The vast ocean can’t exist without
each particle of water. Each human being plays its part in humanity. We are all
one small part of the greater whole.
Give and take
Look at the honeybee; we can learn the
lessons of transformation from the humble bee. It takes a little nectar from
here, a little nectar from there, but never too much from anywhere. Never ever
has a flower complained that a honeybee has taken too much nectar away. In fact
the flowers are grateful to the bee for helping them to pollinate. When the bee
has taken nectar it does not waste; it transforms the nectar into sweet,
delicious, healing honey. If human beings learnt to design their systems on the
lines of the honeybee there would be no depletion, no waste and no pollution.
Zebras do not look at tigers and wish
they could hunt like tigers. Accept yourself as you are, know your weaknesses
and strengths and embrace your unique beauty and gifts.
We all carry a different fragrance,
color and beauty for the world to enjoy. Flowers don’t discriminate who they
share their beauty and fragrance with. They share with all friends, strangers
and enemies. True compassion and love comes from sharing your beauty with all
you meet.
Have faith in tomorrow. We plant seeds
of hope today, nourish them with love and attention with the faith that our
labor will result in fruits in the future. We can’t impatiently force a garden
to grow on our terms. A seed will sprout into a plant when the time is right. A
fruit will fall from the tree when it is ripe and ready. They grow not because
they are forced to, because they let go and allow divine energy and timing to
run its course. Be persistent, patient and have trust in
divine timing.
Just like weather forecasts, nothing
is certain in life. We can’t control and prepare for everything. On days when
there is suppose to be sunshine, the rain may unexpectedly fall. Don’t let your
mood be effected by the weather. Looking to nature and animals, we see beauty
and wisdom in the simple and ordinary. We easily take this beautiful world and
its many messages and lessons for granted.
Don’t wait for extraordinary moments to take your breath away, look to nature and bring that beauty into all that you do and every moment of your life. Tending a garden, folding laundry, consoling your child having a tantrum or cooking a meal- all regular tasks take on a sacred quality when we perform them with the total involvement, acceptance and love.
Don’t wait for extraordinary moments to take your breath away, look to nature and bring that beauty into all that you do and every moment of your life. Tending a garden, folding laundry, consoling your child having a tantrum or cooking a meal- all regular tasks take on a sacred quality when we perform them with the total involvement, acceptance and love.
There are some things we can’t
Our earth absorbs the negative energy
humans expel as do our bodies. There are times when the earth and our bodies
need to recalibrate and dispel the negative energy we absorbed. Mental
breakdowns and hitting rock bottom will bring chaos, change and discomfort, but
it can be the most positive, life changing event.
Have you ever heard your elders
telling you to stop worrying and crying over spilt milk? Yes, there are some
things that are beyond our control in life. We must learn to let go and move on
peacefully. There is no point harping about it. We must accept life as it comes
and not worry about the things we cannot control or change. Nature best exemplifies this. During heavy
torrential rains or a cyclone, everything is shattered. But later, nature
restores itself as though nothing happened!
Sometimes, we need to be brought to
our knees to remember what we are grateful for and start on a new life path.
Every human that has taken birth has
some purpose of his existence. Our aims are intertwined with these purposes and
together there are efforts made to succeed. When you look at the mountains,
another majestic creation of god, the first thought that strikes is its
strength and determination to aim high. These gigantic structures help you
discover that impossible is nothing, if you are strong mentally there is
nothing that’s going to cease you from achieving success. So dream high and be
determined to achieve it.
go of your fears, apprehensions, anxieties, feelings of inadequacies, doubts
and lack of self-belief, And
Stand firm, poised and majestic like a mountain.
Regardless of the external situations life will bring you, remain strong like
the mountains do when faced with avalanches, rain storms, and water erosion.
Your emotional guidance system should be tough like a rooted mountain, immune
to the actions and reactions of others.
24. Be flexible- survival of the
The phrase ‘survival of the fittest’
was coined during Darwin’s famous study of evolution. During those days, many
genetic mutations took place and eventually, only the species that were fit,
survived! Nature teaches us to be flexible and to be fit. It teaches to be
adaptable. A very important lesson, if
you want to succeed in life. We will not be on a smooth terrain all the time!
We must learn to swim in any water, known or unknown, shallow or deep!
Thousands of species succeed in surviving in extreme as well as in favourable
conditions. They teach us not to give up,
under any given circumstance.
Just like the icy cold snow melts in
the warmth of spring to give birth to fresh green leaves, come autumn these
leaves age into shades of gold only to be once again buried in the cold grave
of winter. Change is inevitable; the sooner we embrace this, the better it is
for us. It is important that we enjoy what we have to the fullest because who
knows how long it will last. At the same time, you should not get so attached
to things that parting with leads to heartbreak and sorrow.
This too shall pass
Nothing stays the same. Nothing lasts forever. The leaves on a
tree grow and then they fall. The torrential rain soon turns to clear skies.
Spring always follows winter and winter cannot be avoided.
Such is the same for my life. Things inside me – thoughts and
emotions, things outside of me – situations, people, problems, successes; it
all passes.
Sometimes, it can feel like sad times will last forever. I cling
on to happy times and never want them to go away. But, this is a futile fight
against reality. The reality is that life and everything in it is transient.
Accepting this allows an undertone of peace in daily life.
Think green and live green
There comes a time in everyone’s life when depression numbs the
better side of you, makes you empty inside and lifeless outside. Nothing seems
colourful and nothing seems fresh. And then you decide to take a stroll and
notice the handsome trees gawking at you, the wonderful blooming flowers
wanting you to smile, the lush green grass making you feel the tickle on your
feet. They all make you feel your own presence again. All these amazing
creations make you fall in love with yourself, because when you look at them
they don’t remind you of the depressing times, but they just reflect that this
is the time of thinking green and living green.
This is something that can be very healing to do and ‘earths’ you
– giving you a feeling of replenishment and grounding in your being. Try it,
and contemplate the humility of the grass. Oh, if only we could all increase
this quality in our own nature, the world would be a more peaceful place to
27. Versatility
Nature is very versatile. It has so
many facets to it. Just look all around you. You will see a bewildering mix of
things! Countless number of species form the rich biodiversity. From Siberia to
the Thar Desert, from the Amazon rainforests to the grasslands of Australia,
there’s so much of variety!
Our lives are a mix of many things
too. We play so many roles in our lives: a student, a parent, a child, a friend
etc. We have to manage each relationship well. The journey of life has so many twists and turns, all of which
make it one big, beautiful thing.
28. Equality from Nature
as whole
It is rightly said that simplicity is
beauty. There is an inexplicable aura about subtlety, grace and poise. Nature is
the best example for this. ALLAH’s
creation is such, it speaks volumes, even though it is not extravagant! It is
not gaudy. It is just as it should be. We ought to be simple and modest too.
Arrogance and pomp and show will not fetch us anything. We should be rooted and
down to earth! Pun intended here!
The way ALLAH has created us is
unique, love the way you look.
30. Adapt to surroundings

Nature’s ability
to adapt is profound. How animals and plants adapt to different surroundings is
evident everywhere we look. Nature doesn’t try to change the environment in
order to suit it, it changes itself to suit the surroundings. Nature seems to
know what it can and can’t control. What it can control, is itself.
The same is true in my life. The only thing I can really control is myself. My choices, my perspective, my behaviours. Therein is my true power to not only survive, but to thrive.
The same is true in my life. The only thing I can really control is myself. My choices, my perspective, my behaviours. Therein is my true power to not only survive, but to thrive.
The environment
in which I live is always changing, sometimes it suits me and sometimes it
doesn’t. My only option is to adapt.
Finally one can say that Mother nature
has lots in store for us, a lot to teaches us, it depends how we take those
teachings and implement it.
Meditate in nature. Be happy. You are
cradled in the strong embrace of nature all around you, and its Supreme Power
is flowing through your life, taking care of every concern and flooding you
with Grace and Light.
Such deep observation and deep
experience is essential in order to get deep insights in the workings of
nature. Here great science, great art and great spirituality converge.
Scientists, artists, poets and mystics have found deep inspiration from close
identification with nature. Nature identification is possible only when we are
able to let go of our separation. To learn from nature we need to be in nature.
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